Sunday, October 18, 2009

Are Aliens a Myth or are they Real?

Are we the only beings living in this gigantic universe? It was said that planet Earth is not even big compared to other planets. If there is water on these planets, then one must assume that there is life on them. If there is life on these planets, then that means that the habitants are Aliens.

The big talk about UFOS and Aliens has been around since the early 1930s. If you were to ask random people to describe alien features, you might get the same descriptions from everybody. Slim bodies, big heads and eyes are associated with these beings. The same answers pop up when you ask the description of a UFO.

The government wants us to believe that these creatures don’t exist. But every year on this planet, people claim that they have seen bright lights hovering up. One might argue that planes at night have bright lights, but planes fly horizontally. Why would people make false claims about this matter over and over again?

Movies like Signs speaks for itself. All the crop fields displaying alien symbols cannot be created by human. Nobody can even translate what these signs mean. But if it means War, then the human race is doomed. We might have advanced weapons to take them on, but it still takes us 10 seconds to blast off to space. Their hovercrafts can reach earth within that 10 seconds. Aliens could be fabricated, but the question still remains, are we alone in this universe?

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