Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The message behind the movie "Surrogates"

I saw the movie Surrogates last week, and the movie left a question in my mind. Will society really depend on robots or a "system" to live their lives? Before you answer that, let me give you a synopsis of the film. The film focuses on a futuristic society where humans sit in their house and control androids with their mind.

For example, you can buy and customize an android to look anyway you want too. If yo are 40 years old, you can make the android look like a younger you. You will have full control of the movements and speech. After a long day, you can charge up your android like a cellphone. When you use an android, the government can access what the androids see and does. So if someone kills the android you, it is possible to rewind the androids memory. This is possible because all the androids are connected to the 'system'.

This is where things get sticky. In surrogates, 5 percent of the world makes up the humans who refuse to live through a machine. They are being led by a guy named the 'Prophet'. He is an African American preaching about how androids are bad. He explains how God wanted us to be human, not androids. In the whole movie, he warns the world by broadcasting from his secret location.

When the government finds out where he is at, they ambush his location and shoot him. After they shoot him, it turns out that he's an android. This is where it hits me deep. What does this mean? What is this movie trying to say?

You have Obama and Michael Moore to consider when discussing this matter. Michael Moore is always warning us about the government. But is he apart of that system? Is he a pawn? How are his movies able to surface anyway? These questions came into my mind when I saw the android prophet. If Moore is a pawn, then that will explain how he has been able to survive this long. You can't expose the government, then reside in the same country. Logically, this does not make sense.
What about Obama? You can't find anything wrong with this guy. During elections, he was always on top. The first elective to be endorsed over 70 million; especially, during the recession. Did I mention that he is African American? Just like the prophet. Is he a pawn? Are there strings on his arms that the cameras don't show? These are the questions raised after watching this film. Movies has always been the perfect weapon to get the truth out there. The news won't tell you everything. You have to watch films and decode the meaning, if any.

1 comment:

  1. Man, Obama has aged since that photo.

    By the way, keep thinking about paragraphs. And, don't forget to proofread.
