Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Movie 2012

The year is 2009. We are still waiting for the foretold prophecy of 2012. I saw the movie 2012 and it was far fetched. The filmmakers behind the film took a disney approach to the movie. When people speak about this subject, the conversations become heated and serious. It seems that the film allows audiences to feel relaxed about earth's survival. To prevent world wide panics, they sugarcoated the truth.

The movie adds another conspiracy to it's infamous list. The plot shows how the government is secretly preparing for the end of the world. They are building big gigantic ships to preserve for all the important people on this planet. Doctors, lawyers, judges, etc. are the ones considered important. The movie hints this, but they sugarcoat it.

I decided to research this "blueprint" and I was appalled to see that there is a user's guide to the the survival of 2012. The talk of the end of the world is getting serious. The movie 2012 shifts the seriousness and this should be a wonder to the thinkers?

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