Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Robotic Era is upon us...

Technology has become the new "dependent" of this generation. Without our Mac books, Facebook, and Video games, human life would never be the same. Why were these things invented? People never asked for these things. These items showed up and it became available to the public. What was the hidden agenda behind this flashy technology?

The answer is simple. Universal Mind Control is the agenda. The only way this can be done is thru robotics. There has always been a fear that machines will rule the future. We are getting close to that premonition. For example, some grocery stores have self check out registers. This is convenient, but what does this say about the future? Some cars speak to you when you enter. They let you know about the weather and other things. 2 years from now, automobiles will be able to drive themselves if this robotic approach keeps coming.

Even the entertainment industry is showing the agenda. For example, Rapper/Actor Common made a song called "Universal Mind Control". In the video, all the robots have human traits while they walk around. Subliminally, robots are being promoted like its the new thing. This is the best way to introduce the agenda without looking to suspicious about it.

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